Thursday 12 February 2009

Blue-tongue Lizard

The other day our little dog Ben was barking down the back yard. I thought he had seen a snake but upon closer inspection he had found this young Blue-tongue. Every time it would stick out its' tongue he would bark at it. Every time I tried to take a photo hoping to get the tongue sticking out it would stay still, and when I moved to get closer it would stick it out at me. I think they say not to work with children or animals.

Common or Eastern Blue-tongue ( Tiliqua scincoides scincoides)

The Common or Eastern Blue-tongue is one of the world's largest Skinks at 45 - 55cm


Denis Wilson said...

Hi Neil
Ah, the challenge of catching the Blue-tongue with its tongue out!
You need a really fast setting on your camera, and lots of patience.
Glad the dog didn't get it, though.
They're lovely things, Blue Tongues.

Duncan said...

A trick I've used Neil is to hold the lizard in one hand and the camera in the other. Makes the job a bit easier.

Gouldiae said...

G'day Neil,
Gorgeous animals the 'blueys'. Great the way they can bluff even large dogs. Beaut to have them in the garden too, as they help keep down the snails etc.

Neil said...

Thanks Denis and Duncan for your suggestions not sure about holding them though. thanks Gouldiae they should be well fed here as we have had lots of snails around.