Some days you just don't feel like doing much, but on this one we had to be down at Rainbow Beach in the morning. After finishing there we met up with Mick to do some bird watching and photography in the afternoon. We ended up at Seary's Creek just outside of Rainbow where there are always birds.
Click on photos to enlarge.

Seary's Creek
We sat at Seary's checking out all the bird activity going on in what was left of the Melaleuca flowers. There were Scarlet Honeyeaters by the dozen. Also present were White-cheeked Honeyeaters, Silvereyes, Grey Shrike-thrush and a Grey Fantail. To top it off an Azure Kingfisher went flying down the creek, (sorry, no photos of that one)
Brown Thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla)
While Mick was taking photos of the Grey Fantail hawking for insects off logs in the creek, this Brown Thornbill landed in bushes right beside us. After letting Mick know it was there, we both tried for photos. I was higher and closer and able to get a clear shot, whereas Mick would have had to stand up for a better photo, but stayed low as to not make the bird fly away before I could at least get some photos first. Looks like I owe you one Mick.
Brown Thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla)
Brown Thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla)

Brown Thornbill (
Acanthiza pusilla)

Some of the Heathland vegation at Seary's Creek