Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Tawny Frogmouth

After our latest wader count we were invited to visit a garden where a family of Tawny Frogmouth had been seen. Thank you to the owners of the property for allowing us to come into their garden and take photos of the Frogmouth family, Mum Dad and two young ones. Thanks also to Mick for taking us there.

 Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides)

Click on photos.

 The two young ones
There is always one that has to show off for the camera.
 For more birds visit Wild Bird Wednesday


mick said...

They are fascinating birds and I'm glad you got such great photos!

theconstantwalker said...

A stunning looking bird... wonderful images.

sunshine said...

Interesting birds and great photos.

eileeninmd said...

What a cool bird and sighting. I would love to see one in the wild. Awesome photos!

Anonymous said...

I've heard of these, but of course have never seen one. This is a really great bird.

Karen said...

Oh wow, what delightful looking birds! Terrific shots!

Wally Jones said...

What a unique bird! Looks a bit like a cross between an owl and a nighthawk/whip-poor-will.

Nicely done!

Dave said...

Wow, what a wonderful experience, and how lucky are the owners to have this going on, mega jealous for sure

Unknown said...

Great photos of this interesting bird. I love the last shot.