Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Pale-headed Rosella

 This post is for Mick. Enjoy the birds, you will get to see them one day.
 Pale-headed Rosella (Platycercus adscitus)
The bird on the right with red on the head is an immature Pale-headed Rosella.

For more birds visit Wild Bird Wednesday


mick said...

Great photos and they are beautiful birds. Don't forget - you've promised to show them to me!!

Neil said...

Mick does this mean you want to see them for yourself and not just photos.Looks like you will have to come to town for a while.

Karen said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh, love these!

eileeninmd said...

Oh, they are beautiful birds. Great shots.

Carole M. said...

think they're wonderful, so different to the Eastern Rosella and equally good looking...

TexWisGirl said...

they're wonderful!!!

Unknown said...

What great colours!! Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous birds!

Christian Perrin said...

Great photos! I always find them to be nervous, flighty birds, so obviously the let their guard down around the food table!

Unknown said...

Rosellas are so common here that I think people take for granted how beautiful they are. Nice photos.

Inspired By June said...

These are lovely, Neil! I really enjoy seeing birds from other parts of the world. Do our birds here in the northern hemisphere seem exotic to you, as yours do to us, I wonder?

Neil said...

Yes June your birds are exotic to us in Australia.